Who? Gala do Circo de Samora Correia
What? The Circus Gala of Samora Correia pays homage to the traditional circus and its people. It takes place every last Thrusday of January, for the last four years. It's on its fourth edition. At our Gala, we honor three retired artists, one Portuguese artist that received an award at The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival and, at the last event, we created an Up ad Coming Artist Award, for performers uynder the age of 16, as incentives for the future. It is the first time we organize an event to celebrate World Circus Day along with the Fédération Mondiale du Cirque, with a small event with less guests, since Portugal is still under confinement due to COVID-19 restrictions. We, the Circus Gala of Samora Correia I, José Ribeiro, and the Town Hall of Benavente are proud to participate in such an important event and introduce the way we celebrate the traditional circus. We took the 11th World Circus Day to inaugure our new image and imortalize the our idol, Angelo Muñoz, an awarded clown and a personal friend of mine. I appreciate you taking us as members of the Fédération Mondiale du Cirque and the invitation to the World Circus Day. Long live the Circus, happy World Circus Day and long live the Fédération Mondiale du Cirque.
When? 17 de Abril de 2021
Where? Samora Correia, Santarém, Portugal
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/2galacircosamoracorreia, +351 96 439 22 71, [email protected]