Millions of children & youth in Afghanistan need to be hopeful, joyful, positive, inspired & make a bright future. The war, poverty & coronavirus are imposing increasing depression & hopelessness. MMCC for 19 years has been the major source of fun, creating peaceful culture & capacity-building children & youth. Because of the pandemic, we have lost a big part of our donor support at this crucial time. Join us in supporting MMCC & give a unique chance to the children and youth of Afghanistan.
This week all donations up to $50 will be matched at 50% www.globalgiving.org/projects/BackToLife
Your donation finances performances, events, capacity building, & various workshops e.g. climate action & civil society activities for thousands of children and youth. The indirect beneficiaries especially by the national & international media will be millions. Also, MMCC continues & sustains its operations on Afghan hands with a new strategy by supporting the youth who grow up in our ambient & continue activities on their own to keep being a source of joy & fun for millions of children & youth.
We highly appreciate your contributions and also spreading the word and the link on your social media: www.globalgiving.org/projects/BackToLife
Thanks for your generosity
David, Berit & all our Afghan friends & colleagues
PS: in the coming weeks we will be updating you with much good news such as or Climate Action, Social Circus, Winterprograms, Coronavirus update, and more.